Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day

when i was growing up i knew there was something wrong with the republican party. while my mom and my grandmother always voted - my grandmother was one of the older ladies at the polling place who kindly gets you signed in and shows you how to use the punch card - i don't recall them ever telling me they were democrats. however, there was just always something about those republicans that rubbed me the wrong way. perhaps it was the fact that alex p. keaton was a young republican and was such a detestable being or that both ronald reagan and bush 1 both look slightly simian.

i have to admit, friends, that despite the fact that the republicans have done nothing to merit bush 2 remaining in office, if the democrats don't kick it into high gear like yesterday, we are going to be in for another four years of ignorant, arrogant bullying and the use of tax dollars to kill and dominate rather than reify and educate. there are institutions in the u.s. that are corrupt in which humans are abused and tortured. bush has detained people for years denying them the rights we that demand other countries extend with the explanation that we are basically afraid of them and what they have to say.

make the time to talk about your stance on the issues with at least one person before election day (November 2).

click here for a chart of the electoral votes by states as posted on the federal election commisson website.


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